Booher, George William Randall, - M 1925/10/13

Social, Family, and Historical Relationships


History of: Booher, George William Randall
Family and Social Relationships of: Booher, George William Randall
Ancestor and descendent family tree of: Booher, George William Randall

Paternal Grandfather: Booher, George Washington - M 1860/08/18
Paternal Grandmother: Choate, Frelia Clementine - F 1868/05/30
Father: Booher, William Leroy - M 1890/01/08
Mother: Bybee, Mattie Lee - F 1897/01/07
Date of birth: 1925/10/13
Place of birth: Albany, Clinton, Kentucky
Spouse: Buchanon, Julia - F 1927/07/06 - 1946/04/21 to --00/--/-- -

Children: 3


Grandchildren: 6


Important dates:


Physical Characteristics:


Pictures and videos:


History of: Booher, George William Randall

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Last revised 2009/07/20.