Harlan, Norman Dale, - M 1960/04/14

Social, Family, and Historical Relationships


History of: Harlan, Norman Dale
Family and Social Relationships of: Harlan, Norman Dale
Ancestor and descendent family tree of: Harlan, Norman Dale

Paternal Grandfather: Harlan, Arthur - M 1905/09/13
Paternal Grandmother: Ewing, Annie (Harlan) - F 1908/03/11
Father: Harlan, Norman Ewing - M 1937/06/29
Mother: Huber, Doris Mae (Harlan) - F 1941/10/28
Date of birth: 1960/04/14
Place of birth:
Spouse: Marshall, Janet Lee (Harlan) - F 1960/04/25 - 1987/06/13 to ----/--/-- -

Children: 2


Important dates:


Physical Characteristics:


Pictures and videos:


History of: Harlan, Norman Dale

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Duane Bristow (duane@kyphilom.com)
Please send comments.


Last revised 2012/03/05.