Galbreath, Howard Hugh (real last name Ely) - M 1941/03/14

Ancestor Family Tree

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Each link is ancestor's name, birth year, sex, and generation level.


Descendents of Galbreath, Howard Hugh (real last name Ely)

from the SFHR database of Duane Bristow 03-13-2021
  1. Galbreath, Latisha Mona Lisa (Bristow) 1961/03/25 [ generation 2]
  2. Galbreath, Anna Maria (Hulett, Bright, Bennett, Sparkman) 1962/08/24 [ generation 2]
  3. Galbreath, Christie Lanora 1981/10/24 [ generation 2]
  4. Jennings, Howard Anthony Cruz 1985/08/29 [ generation 3]
  5. Bristow, Eva Victoria 1994/02/24 [ generation 3]
  6. Bristow, Maria Caroline 1995/06/29 [ generation 3]
  7. Jennings, Colt Ryne 2012/03/07 [ generation 4]

Last revised 03/13/21.